تماس https://five-deg.com/?lang=en الجنس هو جزء من الحياة ومنه تبدأ الحياة ، قدموا لأنفسكم. Fri, 23 Oct 2020 08:31:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://five-deg.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-favicon-32x32.png تماس https://five-deg.com/?lang=en 32 32 Erection problems with men https://five-deg.com/erection-problems-with-men/?lang=en https://five-deg.com/erection-problems-with-men/?lang=en#respond Wed, 01 Apr 2020 14:35:27 +0000 https://five-deg.com/?p=5024 impotency, bent penis or prolonged erection are an Erection problems. Every man experiences temporary erectile dysfunction at some point in

הפוסט Erection problems with men הופיע לראשונה ב-تماس.

impotency, bent penis or prolonged erection are an Erection problems.

Every man experiences temporary erectile dysfunction at some point in his life. However, there are ongoing problems that affect the quality of men’s sexual life and relationships.

Erectile dysfunction is most common among men over 50, as more than 30% of men this age have erectile dysfunction and up to 60% over the age of 70. For men under 40, the phenomenon’s frequency is about 15%.


Means that a man cannot achieve an erection sufficiently strong to insert the penis into his partner’s vagina and have trouble maintaining an erection for long enough to achieve full intercourse.

The ability to achieve morning erection or erection while masturbating distinguishes between physiological and psychological factors to point out when trying to establish the reason for impotency.

Physiological factors are associated with the absence of blood flow from the heart and aorta to the small arteries in the penis, which may damage the blood vessels lining.

Other physiological factors could be vascular diseases, Diabetes, Metabolic and Neurological Disorders, and Nervous System Disorders, Hormonal Disorders, Peyronie’s Disease, Malignant Diseases and Oncology Treatments, Pelvic Surgery and Medication Treatments for Basic Diseases, etc.

Psychological factors are associated with depression, stress, anxiety, and fear of performance failure in intercourse due to high expectations of himself or his partner.

Bent penis – Peyronie’s disease

A condition where the penis, when erect, bends abnormally when it is upright and inclines sideways, downwards or upwards. The man has difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. Among the symptoms that may appear are Plaque, which is a scar tissue that is felt under the penis skin and feels like a flat lump, impotency, penis shortening, and pain during erection or orgasm.

Prolonged erection – priapism

Prolonged and often painful erection due to trapped blood, which is unable to drain through the penis arteries. In most cases, the condition is not sexual activity-related and continues up to the risk of permanent tissue damage.

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The sexual reaction circle https://five-deg.com/the-sexual-reaction-circle-desir/?lang=en https://five-deg.com/the-sexual-reaction-circle-desir/?lang=en#comments Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:31:43 +0000 https://five-deg.com/?p=4991 its begin in the desire This is a term that describes everything we are going through during sexual activities –

הפוסט The sexual reaction circle הופיע לראשונה ב-تماس.

its begin in the desire

This is a term that describes everything we are going through during sexual activities – the human sexual reaction.

The first ones to discuss this term were Masters & Johnson who addressed unintentional physiological reactions from the initial stimulation to orgasm and relaxation.

Later on, other researchers added emotional aspects to sexual experience. Helen Singer Kaplan added another component called “sexual desire during the passion stage” that relates to the emotional readiness to have sex.

: Awakening or excitement

A mental and emotional stimulation, arising through dealing with sexual contents either through fantasy or by visual or sensual stimulation in reality.

At this stage, the female lubricates due to the excretion of lubricants from the edges of the vagina while the male develops an erection.

The symptoms, such as chest and upper belly redness due to the expansion of skin blood vessels, begin 10 to 30 seconds from the beginning of the arousal.

The men’s penis is now semi-erect, the women’s nipples stick up, the lower lips and clitoris swell, the vestibule lips flatten, two-thirds of the vagina expands and lengthens inwards.

This is normally the longest stage, along with the relaxation stage. The length of this stage changes from one activity to another and for different persons.

: The plain or plateau

Increased sexual stimulation until orgasm.

This stage progresses according to the degree of stimulation and continuity, if insufficient or discontinued there will be a slow relaxation and If there was enough stimulation, the stage progresses to orgasm.

This stage is characterized by the redness of the thighs and buttocks’ skin, increased blood pressure, rapid pulse, frequent breathing, increased voluntary and involuntary muscle tension in the body.

For women, the size of the nipples and breast size increases, the lips grow twice or three times their normal size and their color changes to dark purple due to blood vessel congestion as the orgasm approaches.

The clitoris sticks up, grows and disappears under the foreskin, swelling, and shrinkage in the external third of the vagina and narrowing of its orifice.

For the men, the penis base muscles contract, the testicles approach the body, the urethra closes so that the sperm does not mix with the urine and pre-ejaculation fluids are ejected.   

:The Orgasm

The orgasm occurs as soon as muscle tension and blood congestion reach their peak. During the orgasm, congestion in the blood vessels is released and the muscles relax, blood pressure and heart palpitations are at their peak.

This stage takes a few seconds. The intensity of this stage varies from one sexual activity to another and from person to person. With women, there are regular pelvic floor contractions every 0.8 seconds and their intensity decreases.

Some women also report contractions in the anus and uterus. Female orgasm usually has no ejaculation. Some women experience urethral fluid emissions.

Women usually have an orgasm from the clitoral stimulation, although some claim that they reach orgasm without it.

Researchers claim that this irritation is also an internal irritation to the clitoris and clitoral feet.

For men, contractions of the penis begin to decrease their intervals (drawing of the clitoris and clitoral legs.) and this is manifested by sperm ejaculation, penile and sometimes lower back contractions.

These contractions are expressed as feelings of pleasure and liberation.

Relaxation or resolution

During the relaxation stage there is a decrease in sexual tension, the body begins to relax, and return to the state that was before the stimulus.

At the relaxation stage, men do not respond to sexual stimulation.

In contrast, some women may have more orgasms while stimulating in the same sexual activity known as multiorgasm, while some women will not prefer post-sedation stimulation due to clitoral sensitivity and even experience pain in the event of another stimulation.

It is important to note that for many women the sexual desire is a reactive desire, which according to Dr. Basson is not spontaneous and arises as a response to stimulation as soon as the sexual activity begins.

The reason for wanting sex comes from love, sexual attraction and desire for closeness and intimate relations with her partner.

הפוסט The sexual reaction circle הופיע לראשונה ב-تماس.

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Delayed ejaculation with men https://five-deg.com/delayed-ejaculation-with-men/?lang=en https://five-deg.com/delayed-ejaculation-with-men/?lang=en#respond Tue, 31 Mar 2020 15:12:19 +0000 https://five-deg.com/?p=4986 This refers to the inability to ejaculate inside the woman’s vagina. Although a man can. reach full ejaculation through masturbation

הפוסט Delayed ejaculation with men הופיע לראשונה ב-تماس.

This refers to the inability to ejaculate inside the woman’s vagina. Although a man can. reach full ejaculation through masturbation and establish erection and sexual stimulation.

he is unable to reach ejaculation in the woman’s vagina during sex. 4% and 10% of the male population suffer from this delayed ejaculation problem at its initial form, without a real medical reason.

It is mainly a mental problem, to which one can add physiological elements. The treatment of this problem combines medical and mental sexual methods.

In the end, the nature of the relationship between the man and woman is often decisive in the diagnosis of premature or delayed ejaculation.

The acknowledgment by one or both partners that there is no ejaculation problem if it occurs less than two minutes from the time of penetration means that no treatment is needed and no premature ejaculation problem is defined here.

On the other hand, one or both partners can define ejaculation after more than two minutes as premature and treatment to prolong intercourse time will be needed.

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Sex pain with women https://five-deg.com/sex-pain-with-women-vulvodynia/?lang=en https://five-deg.com/sex-pain-with-women-vulvodynia/?lang=en#respond Mon, 30 Mar 2020 18:01:22 +0000 https://five-deg.com/?p=4978 Vulvodynia, Friction Vestibulodynia or any other pain. almost every woman has experienced at least once temporary inflammatory pain in her

הפוסט Sex pain with women הופיע לראשונה ב-تماس.

Vulvodynia, Friction Vestibulodynia or any other pain.

almost every woman has experienced at least once temporary inflammatory pain in her vulva and vagina.

However, some women experience pain for long periods. There are several types of intercourse pain problems:

Vulvodynia (pain in the vulva):

This is an ongoing chronic pain in the vulva, mostly accompanied by burning sensation, irritation and itching.

It is diagnosed once you rule out all other medical reasons like skin disease, allergy, patriotic infections or herpes.

The pain can appear abruptly or continuously. This Pain can appear either through irritation or without it.

(Friction Vestibulodynia (vestibule pain):

It is one of the pain disorders, also called Vestibulitis. Characterized by hypersensitivity and pain when touched in the vestibule, which is situated at the vaginal opening or during vaginal penetration during sexual intercourse, inserting a tampon or during a gynecological examination.

The pain can increase after prolonged sitting in the chair or cycling. This uncomfortable feeling sometimes lasts for hours after sexual contact.

When there is no obvious medical cause such as inflammation, skin disease or identification and the pain continues for three months or more with any contact with the vestibule and a tissue rash, it is most likely a case of Vestibulitis.

Sexual contact in these situations can cause swelling or burning in the urine.

When the pain appears as of the first contact, the disease is called primary Vestibulitis and if it develops over time, it is called a secondary Vestibulitis.

3-18% of the women’s population might contract this problem. The causes of the syndrome are still unclear.

Hypersensitivity and multiple sensory nerve cell edges were observed in the vestibule tissue.

Moreover, there is a solid connection between the disease and the use of hormonal contraceptives such as birth control pills.

Relaxation stickers for the pelvic floor muscles help to ease the pain.

The predominant approach today is that Vestibulitis is a combination of various problems that fall under one definition.

Therefore, the different treatments in the field of both physical therapy as well as various ointments and medications have not proven to be effective in many cases.

Dr. Andrew Goldstein has managed to classify different types of Vestibulitis:

– Pain associated with taking hormonal contraceptives. The treatment focuses on discontinuing the use of contraceptives and applying hormonal ointment.

– Sensitivity and contraction of pelvic floor muscles. Treats patients with muscle relaxation medication and pelvic floor physiotherapy.

– Multiple nerve cells in the vestibule are sensitive to pain. This can be genetic, acquired after a severe allergic reaction or through vaginal inflammations.

The treatment will include medications that affect the nervous system and may include surgery to remove the vestibule tissue if there has been no significant reaction to the various treatments.

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Lubricants, when to use, different types https://five-deg.com/lubricants-when-to-use-different-types/?lang=en https://five-deg.com/lubricants-when-to-use-different-types/?lang=en#respond Mon, 30 Mar 2020 17:26:48 +0000 https://five-deg.com/?p=4974 Lubricant is a material that reduces the friction between different body organs and between body organs and different objects. For

הפוסט Lubricants, when to use, different types הופיע לראשונה ב-تماس.

Lubricant is a material that reduces the friction between different body organs and between body organs and different objects.

For example, between the penis and the vagina, the rectum or other body parts as well as the insertion of medical equipment into the body.

The woman’s body is supposed to produce lubricants naturally, however, for various reasons, the natural lubrication may not suffice and the woman will suffer from vaginal dryness (vaginal atrophy), which means a decrease in the vaginal mucosa caused by a decrease in female estrogen hormone levels.

This can cause pain during intercourse and a feeling of discomfort.

As a woman experiences sexual arousal, the blood flow to the vaginal area increases and creates vaginal lubrication.

Decreases in the level of estrogen in the blood lead to a decrease in the amount and composition of the lubricant fluid.

A woman’s natural lubrication can decrease due to immune system disorders, smoking, after birth and while breastfeeding, as a menopausal syndrome or near it (perimenopause).

due to various ovarian cancer treatments, ovarian removal surgery, some medication such as allergy treatment drugs, etc.

We normally divide lubricants into three types according to their base material:

1) Water-based Lubricants

Contain oils that dissolve in water and is the most commonly used lubricant on the market.

One usually uses it with condoms, subject to the manufacturer’s instructions. Usually tends to dry quickly, you can add quantity as needed.

Many water-based lubricants have Glycerin as one of the components, which should provide the smoothness.

2) Oil-based lubricants

Suitable for cases where condom use is not required because they increase the likelihood of tearing or over lubrication of latex condoms. Oil-based lubricants usually stain clothes.

3) Silicone-based lubricants

are not absorbed into the skin and are useful for longer than water or oil-based lubricants.

Not all silicone-based ingredients are compatible with the use of latex condoms or sex toys, it is, therefore, important to read the manufacturer’s instructions for the lubricant as well as the condoms.

Long use of silicone-based lubricants can cause skin irritation. Do not use silicone-based lubricants on lubricant accessories.

4) Petroleum

based artificial lubricants such as baby oils are not compatible with condoms and latex products.

We usually do not recommend these lubricants because of the chance of it causing inflammations.

הפוסט Lubricants, when to use, different types הופיע לראשונה ב-تماس.

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Men Ejaculation problems https://five-deg.com/%d7%a9%d7%a4%d7%99%d7%9b%d7%94-%d7%9e%d7%95%d7%a7%d7%93%d7%9e%d7%aa-%d7%90%d7%a6%d7%9c-%d7%92%d7%91%d7%a8%d7%99%d7%9d/?lang=en https://five-deg.com/%d7%a9%d7%a4%d7%99%d7%9b%d7%94-%d7%9e%d7%95%d7%a7%d7%93%d7%9e%d7%aa-%d7%90%d7%a6%d7%9c-%d7%92%d7%91%d7%a8%d7%99%d7%9d/?lang=en#respond Fri, 28 Feb 2020 17:54:51 +0000 https://five-deg.com/%d7%9e%d7%a2%d7%92%d7%9c-%d7%94%d7%aa%d7%92%d7%95%d7%91%d7%94-%d7%94%d7%9e%d7%99%d7%a0%d7%99%d7%aa/ שפיכה מוקדמת היא שפיכה תוך פחות משתי דקות מרגע החדירה. סטטיסטיקות מראות כי שבעה מתוך עשרה גברים סובלים במהלך חייבם משפיכה מוקדמת, ובין 25% עד 40%, סובלים ממנה באופן כרוני בליטת זרע מהירה במהלך יחיסי המין

הפוסט Men Ejaculation problems הופיע לראשונה ב-تماس.

Premature ejaculation with men:

The meaning of premature ejaculation is the man’s lack of self-control at the time of ejaculation. Experts normally define premature ejaculation as an ejaculation, which occurs less than two minutes from the time of penetration.

Statistics show that seven out of ten men suffer from premature ejaculation and that 25% and 40% suffer from it chronically.

Premature ejaculation is considered normal at the beginning of the sexual experience until the man learns how to control ejaculation. There are many reasons for premature ejaculation.

Psychological causes that are caused by the man’s emotional state such as different concerns, depression, insecurity, shyness, anxiety, the pressure to meet the woman’s or his own expectations, marital problems, and poor communication,

in addition to not being able to recognize the point of no return – the point you cannot prevent ejaculation after. Identifying this point permits a man to learn how to control ejaculation during orgasm.

There are also physical causes that can cause premature ejaculation such as inflammation of the prostate, severe physical problems, nervous system issues, diabetes and certain types of medication.

It is important to note that the genetic component has an effect on the duration a man needs in order to reach an orgasm and ejaculation.

Treatment of premature ejaculation
Some products that monitor premature ejaculation
 Hot Point Ointment for strengthening the erection

Max Men RP Ointment for a Stronger Erection

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